If you have no credit history and you are

This site is for you.

How to build credit history?

When you are a foreigner in UK or you never took a loan you may find that establishing credit history is a Catch-22.

You need to have some credit to have the credit history and you need the credit history to get the credit. Instead of emphasizing how important credit history is this web site provides short receipt for building it.

There are multiple ways to build your credit history.

Join somebody's else credit card.

Joining somebody's credit card. Try this option if you have somebody whom you trust. It is the easiest and the cheapest way to build you credit history.

For example if your good friend/ family member can add you to his/her credit card with 5000 GBP credit line then at least 2500 GBP with affect your credit history (will be shown by the credit agency as your credit line).

Sometimes you don't even have to use the card. Soon you might start getting your own offers for credit cards with excellent conditions.

Enroll into local elections.

All European citizens have right to take part in European elections and in local elections. What is important is the list of people entitled to elections. By signing up to take part in elections you are making yourself visible to automated credit systems (and other organizations).

Buy a car with 80% deposit.

Buying a car with 80% downpayment is a easy way to establish significant credit history but it can be very expensive. When applying for 2000 GBP you may be charged with 500 GBP fees like set up fee, interest rate or credit history report fee.

Open an easy credit card.

Open one of easy credit cards. There are three free easy to get credit cards: Aquacard MasterCard, Barclaycard Initial Credit Card, CapitalOne Visa Card and Vanquis Visa Card.

These are real credit cards with no annual free and very high interest rate after grace period (35% - 40%APR). It is easy to get them and build your credit history but they come with low credit line (200 - 2000 GBP).

Improving credit history

Useful links


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